Here are some audio and video lectures, course handouts, powerpoints, conference papers, and other unpublished pieces that may be of interest to pastors and other Bible teachers.
24 Audio Lectures on Matthew (with thanks to Pastor Todd Frederick)

Introduction to Matthew I: Origins, Canonicity, Structure (Lecture 1A)
Introduction to Matthew II: Major Themes (Lecture 1B)
Matthew 1: The Birth of Jesus (Lecture 2A)
Matthew 2-4: From Jesus’ Infancy to the Beginning of His Ministry (Lecture 2B)
Matthew 5:1-16: The Sermon on the Mount I: Introduction and the Beatitudes (Lecture 3A)
Matthew 5:17-48: The Sermon on the Mount II: Jesus, Moses, and the Disciples (Lecture 3B)
Matthew 6-7: Prayer, Worries, and Other Matters (Lecture 4A)
Matt 8-9: The Authoritative Deeds of Jesus (Lecture 4B)
Matthew 10: Mission to Israel, the Second Discourse (Lecture 5A)
Matthew 11-12: The Rejection of Jesus and the Slander of the Spirit (Lecture 5B)
Matthew 13:1-23: The Parables of the Kingdom I (Lecture 6A)
Matthew 13:24-52: The Parables of the Kingdom II (Lecture 6B)
Matthew 13:53-15:39: Jesus Strengthens the Disciples as Conflict Intensifies (Lecture 7A)
Matthew 16: Jesus, the Church, and the Cross-Shaped Life (Lecture 7B)
Matthew 17: The Transfiguration of Jesus (Lecture 8A)
Matthew 18: The Values of the Kingdom Community (Lecture 8B)
Matthew 19-20: Approaching Jerusalem (Lecture 9A)
Matthew 21-22: The triumphal Entry and the Tragic Aftermath (Lecture 9B)
Matthew 23: Jesus’ Final Words to the Jerusalem Establishment (Lecture 10A)
Matthew 24:1-31: The Eschatological Discourse I: Introduction and Prophecy (Lecture 10B)
Matthew 24:32-25:46: The Eschatological Discourse II: Prophetic Exhortations (Lecture 11A)
Matthew 26: Jesus’ Passion I: Betrayal, Arrest, and Jewish Hearing (Lecture 11B)
Matthew 27: Jesus’ Passion II: Roman Hearing, Crucifixion, and Death (Lecture 12A)
Matthew 28: The Resurrection of Jesus and the Mission of the Church (Lecture 12B)
22 Video Lectures on the Gospel of John with powerpoint accompaniment

My friend Ted Hildebrand of Gordon College has a great website,, where he posts seminary-level biblical studies videos from various evangelical professors. My videos present a comprehensive approach to John, with highlights on historical, cultural, exegetical, literary, and theological aspects. The powerpoint slides contain many images of places mentioned in John.
Next Steps with the Bible: a Twelve Week Course
Here are handout notes and powerpoint slides for an introductory course I taught on interpreting the Bible.
Introduction to the Course: Rationale, Outcomes, Resources, and Schedule
Week One: Understanding Bible Translations: What’s the Difference?
Week Two: Understanding the Big Story: The Bible from Genesis to Revelation
Week Three: Understanding the Chapters of the Story: the Different Kinds of Books in the Biblical Library
Week Four: Understanding the Four Basic Steps of Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, and Application
Week Five: Understanding the NT Letters: Encouraging and Correcting the Churches
Week Six: Understanding Biblical Narratives: How the Grand Story Unfolds
Week Seven: Understanding Biblical Poetry: It’s about Parallel Ideas, not Rhyme
Week Eight: Understanding Jesus’ Parables: “God’s Kingdom is like . . .”
Week Nine: Understanding the Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
Week Ten: Understanding Biblical Prophecy: Preaching and Promising
Week Eleven: Understanding Biblical Apocalyptic: Visions of the End-times
Week Twelve: Understanding How to Apply the Bible