Who doesn’t love a birthday party? It’s fun to celebrate another year of a friend’s or family member’s life, especially when there’s cake and ice cream involved. Make mine chocolate cake with white icing and vanilla ice cream please. This is all good fun, but understanding and participating in the birthday of the Church is infinitely more important. Sadly, many evangelical Christians miss the significance of Pentecost, and the annual celebration this week that’s familiar to Anglicans and Roman Catholics. This post aims to change that! We need to to remember Pentecost, celebrate it, and get in step with the Spirit whose coming inaugurated the church’s participation in the mission of God. We need the Spirit like a turbine needs the wind.
Why Baptists (and other “non-charismatics”) should care about Pentecost
Pentecost is important because it reminds us of God’s providence, fulfills God’s promises, and energizes God’s plan for the Church.