We’ve just come through the Easter-tide—the season involving Easter and the seven following Sundays (April 1-May 20, 2018). On May 27, I had the opportunity to fill a pulpit, and I decided to speak about the importance of Acts 2, explaining how the resurrection of Jesus led to his ascension, and how his ascension led to his exaltation in heaven and his pouring out the Spirit on the Church on the Day of Pentecost. We truncate the Gospel by speaking of the death of Christ without mentioning his resurrection, and we do the same if we speak of the resurrection without explaining how it leads to Jesus’ ascension, heavenly session, and pouring out the Spirit to equip the Church for mission. In other words, The Church needs Pentecost like a turbine needs wind.
Listen to the sermon here.
View the powerpoint slides here . . .
Gary T. Meadors says
Congrats, Dave, on the launch of your website and blog… I’ll look forward to some good ole controversial blogs with lots of debate 😉
David Turner says
Thanks Gary, we’ll try to shed some light here now and then.
Richard Sidney Sharpe says
Glad you are doing this. Hope you will be able to help with questions that come up in the minds of those who want to learn. Hope to read more of your work.