By all available indicators, Cornerstone University is currently doubling down on the recent ruthless firing of eight professors, including virtually the entire humanities faculty. This is only the latest example of a pattern of dictatorial leadership. Is this how CU stakeholders want their university to be governed?
Clarks Summit University is Closing the Doors
Clarks Summit University is closing the doors, having “exhausted every viable solution to bridge a significant financial gap.” This closing hits me hard, because Beverly and I have treasured memories of serving there from 1976-79. It was my first teaching post, and now, after 92 years of holding fast the faithful word, it’s done. Why should we care?
Implosion at Cornerstone University (Seminaries at the Crossroads.9)
I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear that Cornerstone University has just discontinued its school of humanities, terminating six full-time faculty who served in programs related to history, literature, philosophy, languages, linguistics, music, and theology. At the seminary, the dean and a theology professor were also terminated. Euphemistic administrator-speak aside, CU has chosen to reduce quality and expenses in order to attract more students to cheaper, trendier vocational programs. These students will get what they paid for, but they won’t get a quality education in the disciplines that help them develop Christian values for their careers.
Joseph, a Saint for the Rest of Us
If the gospels were movies, Joseph would not have been the star of the show whose name appeared above the title. He would have been just a supporting actor—you’d only see his name if you stuck around to see the credits roll by in fine print after the show was over. Despite this, we’d better pay attention to this just man. Though Joseph never speaks in the gospels, his actions speak louder than words. His exemplary life of obedient service shows us what his Son will be like.
Seminaries at the Crossroads.8: A Transformative Partnership
Difficulties for Christian colleges and seminaries continue. Recently two northwest USA schools announced a “transformative partnership.” In terms of Amos 3:3, have Jessup and Multnomah agreed on an educational direction that will enable them to walk together?
Transforming Thanksgiving (Colossians 3:5-17)
Is Thanksgiving just another holiday that’s highlighted on your calendar, maybe even a day you dread every year due to fractured family relationships? Are you beginning to realize it’s impossible to manufacture gratitude just because the calendar says you should? Thanksgiving can happen for you if grace has happened to you. Experiencing amazing grace through Christ enables believers to express authentic gratitude anytime, anywhere.